House Number 1 Numerology for Homes.

House Number 1 Numerology for Homes.

1 HOUSE NUMBER . When the Total of Your House Equals Number 1 .

Number 1 House as Per Numerology Inspires drive and independence. Under no circumstances clutter this house. Keep furniture to a minimum and decorate in white or strong bright colours. Keep windows clean and clear.

A number 1 house is likely to be the type of house which catches the attention of others as they pass.

People living in number 1 houses often use white, gold and orange in and around their homes. As per Numerology A 1 Number House quite often belongs to a person with a high position in work, and to one Have High Ambitions.

For Complete Numerology / Name Change Guidance Contact Numerology Expert Amit Lamba
Call Now on 9819015736

Significances of Numbers Number 1 to Number 10 Positive & Negative Aspects .


The Science of Numbers or Numerology as it’s commonly called is as old as the Human civilization. The Oldest and the Most well Established forms of Numerology came from the Chaldean and Pythagoras.

Numerology is basically a Science of the study of Hidden meaning of Numbers and their vibrations.

The Date you are Born becomes the Most Important Number in your Life & most of your decisions, Events & actions revolve around the Positive or Negative aspects of your date of Birth.

As per Numerology, each number has certain cosmic vibrations and a person born on any date derives most the cosmic vibrations of his Date of Birth. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie.

Essentially, numerology deals with the nine major planets — Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Mars and their characteristic features. Each one of these nine planets is assigned numbers ranging from 1 to 9, depending on which planet vibrates to which number. These nine planets influence the human life in a substantial way. 

Significances of Numbers 0 to 10. (Positive & Negative Aspects).











Planet: Sun, Father, Male, Active and individual. Originality, dynamisms, the beginning, egotism, self reliance, positivism, power, distinction, potent energy urges, determination, tenaciousness of purpose, pride, ambition, intention, quick grasping power, complete and quick recovery after even the most serious of illnesses. Great authority and aspirations, research and vigor.


Hard and unrelenting, unemotional and materialistic, blunt. Inflated ego with a bloated sense of self worth, aloofness, domination, impertinence, rigidity, pride, pomp and showing off, braggart, splurges money wastefully.




Planet: Moon, Mother, Female, Passive and Dual. Increase, relationships, psychic attraction, Emotions, Mentality, sympathy, antipathy, doubts, vacillation, medicine, house keeper, manager, sub-ordinate, moderation, restraint, psychic powers, intuition, literary capabilities, artistic talents, resourcefulness, power over the mind, capable of controlling the unbalanced, more than one profession, mutability and purity. Fellowship, humanity, honesty, imagination, simplicity and idealistic.


Coldness, envy, jealousy, haste, shyness, double mindedness, whimsical, vacillating, mean, petty, feminine traits in the man, hasty. Deceitful and untrustworthy, instable, indolent, imitative rather than original, apes and copies slavishly,




Planet: JUPITER, expansive, Fair, Judge, Trinity and Teacher of the God’s. Increase, intelligence, capable, expansive, travel, trade, judgmental, wealth, riches, power, luxuries and enriched mental faculties. Has mental refinement, faultless judgment, originality, independent thought, master organizer, always well dressed, thoroughness, orthodoxy, conventionality and conscientiousness. Ambition, dignity, philosophy and prestige.


Too critical, meticulous, pettiness and nagging tendencies ,self righteous, cruelty, dictatorship, hypocrisy, spendthrift, egotist and vain, false pride and a boastful nature.




Planet: RAHU , real estate, possessions, materialism, realization, credibility, position, universally motivated rather than personally, has luck, critical insight and adroitness and drives a good bargain. Have good livers, are contended souls with well-formed strong physiques and mentality. Home lovers, loyal to families, love of children and responsible for their families. Are methodical, reliable, energetic, and active and have great endurance.


Changeable, slow moving, slow approaching, causing delays, dominating, stubborn, vindictive, highly jealous and possessive of their partners to the extent of falsely doubting their loyalty. unkempt and badly dressed, luxury loving without having the desire to work for it and earn it, inertia, over passivity, doubtful and unbelieving, pig headed with little or no interest in the spiritual side of life. Material to the core.




Planet: Mercury, Quick Silver, Movement and Communication. Has reason, logic, speech, ethics, born traveler, commerce, trade, utility, gambling and speculation is a great weakness . Money, Bankers, Financiers, Singers. Changeable, blow hot blow cold, extremists, arrogant and unpredictable. Active, restless, full of vim and grit, ambitious, wisdom, warm affections, strongest attraction for the opposite sex than any other number, interest in casual affairs, zest for life, desire to see it all and live life to the fullest. Have co-operation, practicality, vigilance and shrewdness.


Lack of perseverance and persistence, Skeptical, unreliable, unpredictable, rash and impulsive,  lacks precision and focused planning, vacillates and is indecisive about all matters. Can be mean and petty in money matters.




Planet: Venus, Love, Harmony, Peace, Marriage, Beauty and Luxury. Have co-operation, relationship, matrimony, reciprocity, sympathy, humanity, Sensuality and pleasure seeking. Make good wives as well as mothers and sensual lovers, good home keepers and companions. Have deep thinking and reasoning power, logic, investigation, intuitiveness, inquisitiveness, deduction, appreciation for others, loves a quiet life and is not rigid but open to convincing. Excellent memories. All Fine Arts such as Actors, Singers, Dancers, Writers and Musicians.



No foresight and future planning, living in the now, trusting blindly, timid where action is called for, shy, moody, not methodical, infidel and unreliable with a weakness for the opposite sex but more on the romantic plane than the gross material. Comfort seekers and luxury lovers.




Planet: KETU , Love, Sensitivity and Photostat Memories. Have brains, equilibrium, agreements, deals, contracts, bargains, treaties, art, culture, occult, philosophy mother oriented, harmony, sentimentality, expansion and travel. Have austerity, deep reflection and fairness towards all humanity, peace, serenity, tolerance and philanthropy. Have Self-sacrifice, intensity of application, mutability; are founders of new religions and torchbearers to social reforms. Are Leaders in world affairs and seekers of the truth.. Temperamental with a lean towards Occult and spiritualism



Negative Aspects Whimsical, despondent, restless, unjustified fears, , Stubborn as mules, aggressive, impractical, weak in money matters, no proper financial provisions for the future, over sensitive, emotional and more unhappy than happy most of the time. Should stay away from alcohol and drugs totally.




Planet: SATURN , Destiny, Fate, Karma and Resurrection. Systematic, organized, authority,, methodical, practical and steady. Progress, change, advancement, justice, home loving, premonitions, intuitive, occultist, psychic nature, education, learning, teaching, educationalist and philosophy. Loves animals, children, family and home. Has unselfish and sacrificing love for all humanity, hates monotony and makes a wonderful social worker. Succeeds in life through journeys and changes.


Death, negation,, decay, delays, hardships, retardation, loss, extinction, late rewards and lack of stability. Have cynicism, vindictiveness, nervousness and laziness. Have Karmic lessons to learn.




Planet: MARS. Hot, Fiery, Dynamic, Fast, Male. Has activity, courage, enthusiasm energy, and sensuality and high drives. Is practical, inventive, scientific, specialist, responsibility, tact, diplomacy, sound judgement and strong intuition. Philosophical with artistic tendencies along with lucid expressions in orating and writing, good mechanics, Has fire, anger, passion, penetration, power, enterprise and is family minded. Engineering, Science, Mechanics, Brains.


Strife, infidelity, deceitful, despondent, destructive, erratic, fiery tempered, Unreasonable, dominating, quarrelsome and impatient. Is prone to accidents from natural as well as unnatural calamities.

Amit lamba – Name Numerology Expert Mumbai
9819015736 / 9324012326.