Benefits Of Wearing Mauli Sacred Threads.
Wearing Red / Yellow threads or Mauli as Its Called is common among the Hindus. Mauli is a Blessed thread which is also known as ‘Kalava’.

It is a cotton thread . This thread is dyed in red and yellow combination.
As Per Hindu Mythology it is Believed that or Kalava on the wrist of King Bali . Since then, the ritual of tying Mauli has been practiced by the Hindu .
Men as well as, women can wear it Whenever any Pooja Takes Place in the House .
This Mauli or Sacred Thread has to be tied on the right hand of men and unmarried women, while it is tied on the left hand for married women.
You can find this thread in any temple. It is a cotton thread and was at first offered as a cloth to the deity.
Mearing a Mauli or Sacred Thread Symbolizes long life and protection against enemies. It is believed that wearing this will keep God’s blessings with you .
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